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New posts in php-5.4

PHP crypt() returns *0 failure string in version 5.6.4, but not 5.4,

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CodeIgniter - Creating default object from empty value

PHP: how to check if an object's properties have values?

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Custom DQL functions in doctrine2

White Screen of Death in Silex when switching from PHP 5.3 to Php 5.4 because of "session_start"

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::class equivalent in PHP 5.4

php php-5.4

Global variable not working in php

php php-5.4

sphinx on centos 7 cant started because of searchd.pid absent

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flashMessenger not working when adding Message after a long request

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How to configure a server to send email using cPanel? [duplicate]

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How to import static function with namespace in php?

php namespaces php-5.4 php-5.5

Can I instantiate an exception without throwing it?

php php-5.4

PHP 5.4 multipart/form-data UTF-8 encoding

Why do I get a different result from two supposedly analogous arithmetic operations?

php php-5.4

Opcache - Clean cache in PHP5.4 and lower

Where can I find the bcompiler dll for xampp 1.8.2(PHP 5.4.X)

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What is the difference between E_STRICT and E_ALL in PHP 5.4?

php php-5.4

Find second and fourth saturday's of the month

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