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New posts in php-5.3

Is there any compiler/interpreter to execute code for php 5.3?


php function doesn't return a value

OCI8 php extension installation on windows server

PHP DateTime Functions

php datetime php-5.3

array_pop() requires deprecated call-by-reference when invoked from call_user_func()

php php-5.3

Process socket data with a leading length value

php sockets php-5.3 php-socket

using the php 5.4's new constant ENT_DISALLOWED in htmlentities

Use other table than user for login authentication

Function not working on server. Can't use function return value in write context

Is @package required with PHP 5.3 namespaces?

php namespaces php-5.3 phpdoc

DI container for an object that contains an object that has injected dependency

How to access the property/ value of an array which has been converted into an object?

php arrays object php-5.3

Can I set a time limit for a code block?

php php-5.3

php super super globals

php php-5.3

Are functions like strip_tags() and trim() UTF-8 aware?

utf-8 php-5.3

How should I hash passwords in CodeIgniter

php codeigniter hash php-5.3

Forget late static binding, I need late static __FILE__

Overloading in php

php php-5.3

PHP function array_replace(), why are the arguments passed by reference?

php arrays php-5.3

About PHP underscore naming convention (as in "_method" or "_property")