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Why pcre regex is much faster than c++11 regex

c++ regex c++11 pcre

How exactly does this recursive regex work?

Match double hyphens in comments of malformed XML

regex pcre autoit

replace multiple spaces by non breaking spaces

php html regex pcre

Regex matching a space after extension PCRE (php)

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Does PCRE support unicode string correctly?

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RegEx lookahead on .*

regex pcre

How to convert Ruby Regular Expression into PCRE

ruby regex pcre

How does regular expression engine parse regex with recursive subpatterns?

Regular expression for start and end of string in multiline mode

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PCRE libraries version is too old

php apache apache2 centos pcre

How to use grep to extract multiple groups

regex grep pcre

RegExp#match returns only one match

ruby regex pcre

Would compiling a regex into native assembly be faster than PCRE or other Regex engines? [closed]

c++ regex perl assembly pcre

How can I link my C code with the PCRE library? (Linker errors currently being thrown.)

c makefile linker-errors pcre

Why does RewriteRule . work the same as ^(.*)$?

regex apache mod-rewrite pcre

Single regex that changes camel-case to dash-separated lowercase

Why would you ever need (?(R)...|...) if condition in a regex?

regex perl pcre

Regex negative lookbehind on string

php regex pcre

How can I tell if a given string is a valid input to PHP's preg_match?

php pcre