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New posts in parse-platform

ParseFacebookUtils Android auth_type: 'reauthenticate'

Device token getting Nil

parse.framework is not linked, installed via cocoapods

Cloud Code object.save() results in 'object not found' with very strange PUT command

Use of unresolved identifier PFFacebookUtils

Enabling local data store on Parse by calling enableLocalDatastore before initialization throws exception

ios parse-platform

Angular Parse REST factory variables

Parse - Installation table not setting deviceToken nor pushType

Parse request.object.get("KEY") always returns undefined

FullCalendar view not showing on load

Android Parse SDK i/o failure unknown format (magic number 227b)

android parse-platform

Parse.com - Another user is already linked to this facebook id


Do ongoing parse.com requests continue to count against the API limit?


Multiple sorting with ascending and descending in Parse Cloud

Can you view historic logs for parse.com cloud code?


What happens if the Parse cloud data service fails?

iOS 9 Parse (v 1.8.5) Facebook (v 4.6) login crash on FBSDKInternalUtility checkRegisteredCanOpenURLScheme

Reset iOS app badge

iOS - Swift - Function that returns asynchronously retrieved value

Parse.com PFGeoPoint.geoPointForCurrentLocationInBackground not doing anything

swift parse-platform ios8