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New posts in paper-trail-gem

Paper_Trail: Show Diff Between Versions

Using PaperTrail, can I opt out of `object_changes` for a particular model or attribute?

(Rails) PaperTrail and RSpec

Can I use papertrail to store "pending-approval" changes?

Rails 3.2 app - Should I use a versioning gem (paper_trail or vestal_versions) or handle it manually?

How to set whodunnit for paper_trail when creating a new user?

Query jsonb array for integer member

Paper_trail gem: uninitialized constant VersionsController::Version

Rails / Papertrail: Changeset with association changes

How to track custom events in paper_trail?

PaperTrail Manually create version

Papertrail and Carrierwave

Friendly ID - undefined method `slug=' for

Logstash log tail in browser

After installing paper_trail, get "irb: warn: can't alias context from irb_context." from rails console

Find version where specific attribute has changed in papertrail