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Use SignalR 2.0 Owin pipeline with my SignalR lib

c# asp.net signalr owin

SignalR HubConnection Invalid URI

c# signalr owin

Is It Possible to Implement Onion Architecture and DI with WebAPI on OWIN?

Dealing with null HttpContext.Current when starting an application given the user already has a cookie

Why is OWIN's SignInAsync() not setting IsAuthenticated (or other authentication variables)?

Where is the Microsoft.Owin.Security.Basic NuGet package?

c# asp.net-web-api owin katana

How to get raw url from Owin?

c# .net owin

ASP.NET Web API - OWIN - TokenEndPointPath not working in IIS

Get request body in web api IExceptionHandler

How is an ASP.NET MVC application heavily dependent on System.Web assembly?

Hooking into Windows Authentication for credentials when Authenticating against LDAP

SSO with AD FS and OWIN how to create an account and handle permissions

Global Exception Handler Not Called

OWIN Login slow performance >30 Seconds

c# azure owin superagent

Secure Owin Cookie http and https

c# asp.net-mvc cookies owin

ASP.NET MVC - WS Federation - Single Sign out

Can OWIN middleware use the http session?

How to add CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver in Startup.cs?

Unable to add and fetch custom claims values