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Is there an easy way to add a last modified timestamp while using ORMLite and Android?

android sqlite ormlite

RoboSpice persist JSON array with OrmLite

How to insert bulk data in android sqlite database using ormlite efficiently

Best way to store several ArrayLists in ORMLite for ApplicationSettings

java database orm ormlite

Query for last id in table

ormlite query-builder

Multiple Query Condition in Android using ORMLITE

Does Kotlin support Ormlite in 100%? (Data classes)

android ormlite kotlin

Calendar .YEAR, .MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH different than date.getDay() etc?

java android datetime ormlite

java.sql.SQLException: Unable to run insert stmt on object

android sqlite ormlite

ORMLite 5.0 build failure

android ormlite

Proguard with orrmlite - parameterized Collection

android proguard ormlite

ORMLite id generate

android ormlite

Android: SQLite (ORMLite) transaction isolation levels

"already added" exception with ormlite and gradle

ORMLite custom data persister with multiple columns

android orm ormlite

How to build query with selecting by value of foreign object's field

In Ormlite, write case insensitive query
