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New posts in optional-parameters

How can method overloading be avoided?

c# optional-parameters

Why can't Point and Rectangle be used as optional parameters?

Variable number of method parameters in Objective C - Need an example

Mapping a Scala function with an optional parameter

How to determine if optional arguments are passed in Ruby

SQL Server: Optional variable in a stored procedure

Python Option Parser: Boolean flag with optional parameters

Method resolution in extension methods with optional parameters

How to omit default values of middle parameters when calling a function? [duplicate]

Is there a way to send optional parameters to an action?

Get rest of the string to the end with mb_substr() and still set encoding

Segmentation fault with optional arguments in Fortran functions

Enterprise Architect: C# Optional parameters?

How do i set an optional parameter in PHP after the first optional parameter

Why isn't the new() generic constraint satisfied by a class with optional parameters in the constructor?

What is the difference between OptionalAttribute and optional parameters in C# 4.0

Optional parameter in method not compile-time constant error with Rectangle

Why doesn't AutoHotkey support default parameters in the middle of the parameter list?

Ruby Optional Parameters and Multiple Parameters