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Calculate the size (Extents) of a text (TextBody) in OpenXML (PresentationML) PowerPoint (PPTX)

Dynamically add image to powerpoint openxml

c# powerpoint openxml-sdk

How can I embed any file type into Microsoft Word without interop assemblies

c# .net openxml-sdk

Excel add data to WorksheetPart in code behind

What's the difference between <c t="str"> and <c><is> in Office Open XML?

Download an excel file and read content with azure functions

OpenXml: Worksheet Child Elements change in ordering results in a corrupt file

c# openxml openxml-sdk

OpenXML Add paragraph style (Heading1,Heading2, Head 3 Etc) to a word processing document

How to access OpenXML content by page number?

c# xml openxml docx openxml-sdk

How to replace an Paragraph's text using OpenXML Sdk

c# .net openxml openxml-sdk

OpenXML SDK 2.0 vs Aspose for server side word 2007 document generation in .NET

openxml openxml-sdk aspose

Getting cell-backgroundcolor in Excel with Open XML 2.0

c# excel .net-4.0 openxml-sdk

Link to Microsoft Open XML SDK tutorials [closed]

openxml openxml-sdk

C# OpenXML (Word) Table AutoFit to Window

c# ms-word openxml openxml-sdk

"SaveAs" Wordprocessingdocument (Open XML) file is locked

c# openxml-sdk

How can I embed any file type into Microsoft Word using OpenXml 2.0

c# ms-word openxml openxml-sdk

Inserting new rows and moving exsisting ones with OpenXML SDK 2.0

Use SSIS to populate Excel workbook generated using OOXML

OpenXML SDK 2.5 unreadable content

c# openxml-sdk

OpenXml SpreadsheetDocument.Open(...) get exception - The main part is missing

c# .net excel xls openxml-sdk