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Has anyone found a good open source ajax calendar control (not a popup date picker) [closed]

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Connect to FTP Server with .net 2.0 [closed]

Python 3 and open source: Are there any good projects? [closed]

Cross platform installer for Qt [closed]

Are there any free tools for building AIR applications? [closed]

How do I make a pull request using EGit?

Free DotNetNuke skin resources [closed]

Is there an open source alternative to Flash for web animation? [closed]

MySQL Support for Python that's not under GPL-Like Licenses [closed]

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Revision control and hosting comparison [closed]

How do open source companies avoid harmful contributions and find the useful ones? [closed]


HTML parser in .Net [duplicate]

Is OpenERP skinnable? [closed]

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free open online projects? [closed]

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Design Pattern rich code base? [closed]

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What open source tools do you use when developing/testing for Android? [closed]

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Implementation of Signals under Linux and Windows?

Profiling a C or C++ based application that never exits [closed]

Where do I find purely functional open source projects written in Scala? [closed]