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New posts in ontouchlistener

How to Stop OnTouchListener while user is touching the screen ? < android>

android ontouchlistener

How to revoke `requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false)` without lifting finger (Action.UP or Cancel)?

How can I add OnClickListener to Drawable in EditText?

Dispatch Touch event from DialogFragment view to parent activity view

Android multitouch?

How can i pass Touch Listeners to Custom View for Drag and Drop?

Android scale button on touch

Jumping ImageView while dragging. getX() and getY() values are jumping

MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN in Android is too sensitive. This event is received even if the screen is simply touched for a moment

OnTouch in MapView only fires the first time

Can't see click ripple effect in Android Touch events

Android: View.setClickable consumes click event

onTouch giving weird touch points Android

ImageView Drag Limitation In Android

MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL is not triggered during onTouch

Android - on touch listener fired twice

android ontouchlistener

Drag and drop images in android

How to do something repeatedly while a button is pressed?

Android OnTouch MotionEvent Actions