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New posts in numba

numba: sorting an array in place

numpy jit numba

Optimizing dict of set of tuple of ints with Numba?

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Numba - does nopython mode support list of tuples?

Numba's jit fails to compile function that has another function as input

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numba guvectorize target='parallel' slower than target='cpu'

How can I cast a float numpy array value to an int inside of a numba jitted function in nopython mode

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Understanding Numba Performance Differences

numpy numba

Using numpy.datetime in numba nopython functions?

numpy numba

Create a numba typed List without looping over a python list

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Numba data type error: Cannot unify array

Difference between @cuda.jit and @jit(target='gpu')

cuda numba

Numba np.convolve really slow

Numba CUDA shared memory size at runtime?

python cuda numba

Optimizing suggestions for a piece of Julia and Python code

Python: How to ignore decorators during unit (nose) tests?

How do I make a dummy do-nothing @jit decorator?

Numba or Cython acceleration in reaction-diffusion algorithm

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Close form solution for finding a root

How can I use Numba for Pytorch tensors?

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TypingError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline (step: nopython frontend)

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