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How can I specify one central place where all the nuget packages will be installed


How to enable Nuget packages restore under Xamarin Studio in Mac OS X

NLog giving exception Possible explanation is lack of zero arg and single arg Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection constructors

Broken references in a cloned git repo

git nuget

NuGet reference specification with an assembly not in lib subfolder

nuget nuget-spec

installed Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework does not appear in nuget package list

.net nuget .net-4.5

How do I host my own nuget v3 feed?

nuget nuget-server

Nuget restore package started to fail in Visual Studio Team Services build

NuGet 3.5 / Visual Studio 2015 - Change package cache location

Include referenced project in nuget package

Constrain PackageReference upgrade version when update-package run

Disable transitive PackageReference dependency for a specific MsBuild project

How to publish a .net core console application to a (private) nuget repository and install it with chocolatey?

nuget chocolatey

Can I upload existing NuGet packages to an Azure DevOps artifacts feed?

where does the "Unable to find fallback package folder" nuget error come from, when building project in a dockerfile?

Where can I find documentation on MvcScaffold package listed on nuPack?

NuGet Restore Fails when dependency adds a .targets import to the .csproj


Can prerelease NuGet packages be displayed in VS Package Manager UI?

Nuget Command Line - Packages Being Installed But Not Added As a Reference in the Project


How to split a huge solution into smaller pieces