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New posts in nswindowcontroller

NSWindow beginSheet completionHandler not called

How to use NSViewController in an NSDocument-based Cocoa app

Center window in screen

OS X Menubar application: How to bring window to front

Is it possible to have a custom NSWindowController on launch?

Why the view controller not follow the window controller's appearance in segue "Modal"?

Cocoa Storyboard Responder Chain

(Cocoa) What's the equivalent of a UIViewController subclass in a single window cocoa app?

Can't use storyboard custom instantiated window controller

NSWindowController without a nib file in Swift

swift nswindowcontroller

NSWindowController showWindow:nil does nothing

NSWindowController windowDidLoad not called

cocoa nswindowcontroller

Is it possible to bring window to front without taking focus?

How do I open an NSWindow and have the window selected and in focus?

Handle close event of the window in Swift

How to get notified when NSWindow closes

Why isn't my sheet attached to the window it's run for?

Difference between NSWindowController Vs NSViewController

NSWindowController/NSViewController "Presentation" setting in Storyboard

Subclassing NSWindowController in Swift and init(windowNibName)