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New posts in nsview

NSImageView disappears when the parent NSView wants layer (setWantsLayer:YES)

NSTextFields with auto-layout; grow into space as typing

With which method has Apple replaced "dragImage:"?

Layering Cocoa WebView - Drawing on top?

Add a page curl animation to a NSView?

cocoa core-animation nsview

Cocoa: programmatically show/hide custom NSWindow with custom NSView

Way to get beginGestureWithEvent/endGestureWithEvent if window isn't frontmost

Getting a NSViewController's View if it is a custom class?

NSView layout method not called after setNeedsLayout:YES

How to prevent a NSCursor from change?

How can I make command-A select all the NSTextView text in rows in an NSTableView?

Layer-hosted NSView with lots of CALayers inside (WindowServer - CPU 100%)

Mouse Enter/Exit events on partially hidden NSViews

Animate Auto Layout Constraints and Alpha on NSView

nsview nsviewanimation

How to find if the mouse is over a view

objective-c cocoa macos nsview

Setting backgroundColor of custom NSView

Make NSView NOT clip subviews outside of its bounds