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New posts in neural-network

Cost function always returning zero for a binary classification in tensorflow

Why multiply the error by the derivative of the sigmoid in neural networks?

Is there a way to implement early stopping in Keras ONLY after the first, say, 100 epochs

python neural-network keras

very low accuracy in Neural networks using keras and validation accuracy 0.0000e+00

Binary Image Classification with CNN - best practices for choosing "negative" dataset? [closed]

How to concatenate two tensors having different shape with TensorFlow?

Reading MNIST dataset with javascript/node.js

Keras, output of model predict_proba

I want to know if there is the clothing object class in the MS COCO dataset?

Resnet-18 as backbone in Faster R-CNN

Creating a multi-channel network: 'Concatenate' object has no attribute 'shape'

Is it right to normalize data and/or weight vectors in a SOM?

How to update a subset of 2D tensor in Tensorflow?

Why are word embedding actually vectors?

Difference between DNNRegressor, DNNClassifier and DNNEstimator - TensorFlow

Not fully connected layer in tensorflow

How to create variable names in loop for layers in pytorch neural network

Is employing BPNN for water quality management an overkill? [closed]

Keras ValueError: I/O operation on closed file

How to implement mini-batch gradient descent in python?