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New posts in neural-network

What is the meaning of 3-layer NN, 300+100 hidden units?

Best algorithm to find a repeating pattern

What is an epoch in ANN's and how does it translate into code in MATLAB?

matlab neural-network

R: Error in nrow[w] * ncol[w] : non-numeric argument to binary operator, while using neuralnet package

r neural-network

What are the advantages of using an autoencoder to build a set of filters versus a prebuilt set of gabor filters in relation to CNNs?

NARX network in R

Backpropagation with Rectified Linear Units

What is the way to feed multidimensional input data to encog ANN in java?

java neural-network encog

Object categories of pretrained imagenet model in caffe

How to train an ANN to play a card game?


Neural Network Backpropagation implementation issues

Neural Networks: Understanding theano Library

Caffe sigmoid cross entropy loss

caffe: error with protobuf version

How can I make my neural network emphasize that some data is more important than the rest?

Keras RNN loss does not decrease over epoch

Output size of convolutional auto-encoder in Keras

How to connect some nodes directly to the output layer in Keras

neural-network theano keras

Image resizing method during preprocessing for neural network

How to code an artificial neural network (Tic-tac-toe)? [closed]