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New posts in neural-network

Project estimation using Artificial Intelligence / Neural Networks [closed]

Most appropriate normalization / transformation method for skewed features?

Python Neural Network Backpropagation

ANN: Recursive backpropagation

Using Neural Network to solve Y = X * X + b type formula

Programming a Basic Neural Network from scratch in MATLAB

Using a neural network in motion control


Convolutional neural networks for time-series


How can we prune the neural network in R?

r neural-network pruning

Torch / Lua, which neural network structure for mini-batch training?

lua neural-network torch

How to do disjoint classification without softmax output?

neural-network fann

Backpropagation in Convolutional Neural Networks

TensorFlow restore/deploy network without the model?

Fail to implement layer normalization with keras

python neural-network keras

Tensorflow: show or save forget gate values in LSTM

Neural networks and the XOR function

how to use model after trained in tensorflow (save/load graph)

Customizing the convolution layer in caffe windows cpp

Setting GLOG_minloglevel=1 to prevent output in shell from Caffe

TypeError: can’t convert CUDA tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first