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R - state of the art performance of visNetwork vs networkd3 in a Shiny app (2017)

networkD3 forceNetwork: how to change legend text colour, text label colour, and bring text label to the front?

r networkd3

forceNetwork is not zero indexed

Own colour range for Sankey Diagram with networkD3 package in R

Interaction between html widgets in R shiny

Sankey Diagram in R with networkD3 - row number issues

How to add columnn titles in a Sankey chart networkD3

Specify colors for each link in a force directed network, networkD3::forceNetwork()

javascript r shiny networkd3

Fixing the order of a Sankey flow graph in R / networkD3 package

How to add title to a networkD3 visualisation when saving as a web page?

How to sort source and/or target nodes in a sankey diagram within a shiny app?

Return nested list with nested level and value

Saving networkD3 Sankey diagram using code only

r sankey-diagram networkd3

Shiny & networkD3 responding to node click

Modify networkD3 sankey plot with user-defined colors

Printing a sankey diagram in Shiny

How to capture html output as png in R

r png htmlwidgets networkd3

Convert a data frame to a treeNetwork compatible list

r networkd3

Place text values to right of sankey diagram

r sankey-diagram networkd3