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New posts in net-http

Posting Ruby data in JSON format with Net/http

ruby json net-http

Ruby Open-URI library aborted in 404 HTTP error code

ruby open-uri net-http

Generate XML dynamically and post it to a web service in Rails

400 bad request in ruby but not curl

ruby curl net-http ruby-1.8.7

Ruby Proxy Authentication GET/POST with OpenURI or net/http

TypeError: can't convert Net::HTTPOK into String

Ruby Net::HTTP responds with OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError "certificate verify failed" after certificate renewal

Increase connect(2) timeout in RestClient / Net::HTTP on AWS Linux

how to set header['content-type']='application/json' in ruby

ruby rest net-http

Ruby: Blocking HTTP.new.start and dynamic HTTP(S)

ruby net-http

Why is Ruby failing to connect to my Tor network?

Using Ruby to post an XML request to a webserver

ruby http post client net-http

Ruby 1.8.7 and Net::HTTP: Making an SSL GET request with client cert?

HTTPS request using Net::HTTP's block form -- is it possible?

ruby ssl https net-http

Stream and unzip large csv file with ruby

ruby csv io net-http rubyzip

Ruby, Tor and Net::HTTP::Proxy

ruby proxy tor net-http

Measure response time for a HTTP request using Ruby

ruby net-http

Ruby using namespace/module

Process Management for the Go Webserver

http go scale net-http