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New posts in nested-forms

Get object value with nested_form

an example of a nested form in simple form?

Rails 3 Nested Models unknown attribute Error

accepts_nested_attributes_for: What am I doing wrong

Rails 3.1 not rendering the fields_for from nested_form

Nested fields with mongodb

File upload with Rails 4, Strong Parameters and Carrierwave

Using accepts_nested_attributes_for + mass assignment protection in Rails

Rails - How to avoid using hidden_fields in the view to pass values to controller?

Nested table formatting with simple_form, nested_form and twitter-bootstrap

Validation on a Complex Model for a multi-page form

Rails: Saving many new objects in a nested form

Customizing Model Validation error messages alerts

Dynamic nested form on change of select box

Can't mass-assign protected attributes: profiles,

Rails Nested Object Form *_attributes

Dynamic Nested Form link_to_add called twice

RecordNotFound with accepts_nested_attributes_for and belongs_to