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error: command 'cc' failed with exit status 1 - MySQLdb installation on MAC

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ImportError: this is MySQLdb version (1, 2, 4, 'beta', 4), but _mysql is version (1, 2, 5, 'final', 1)

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Python, Brew, and MySQLdb

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MySQLdb is extremely slow with large result sets

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How to install python2.6-devel package under CentOs 5

TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable - Python

Python equivalent of PHP mysql_fetch_array

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Django: how to install mysql/connector python with pip3

How to avoid duplicate entries in a MySQL database without throwing an error

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Did you install mysqlclient?

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Install MySQL-python in virtualenv on Windows 7

can't install mysqlclient on mac os x mojave

Python, MySQLdb and escaping table names?

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Connect to Database via proxy a python script

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Errors installing mysql-python on Azure

MySQLdb and _mysql versions ncompatible: how to upgrade _mysql

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