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How to install python2.6-devel package under CentOs 5

I need to install mysql-python under python2.6. mysql-python package needs python2.6-devel package that depends on the libpython2.6.so.1.0(64bit) I found on the net some python2.6-devel packages, but can't find libpython2.6 Server architecture is x86_64.

Maybe someone have this lib, or know where i can find it.

Thanks for help)

like image 849
Andrey Nikishaev Avatar asked Mar 30 '10 16:03

Andrey Nikishaev

2 Answers

On CentOS 6.2, I solved the problem by finding the right version of the python-devel :

yum search python | grep -i devel

Then I installed :

yum  install python-devel.x86_64

And :

easy_install psycopg2
like image 83
gpasse Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09


I have the same issue and this wonderful link solved it for me...


I followed some of the steps out of order because I was a little antsy and got some interesting error messages. I couldn't get mysqldb to build, but then I ran yum to install the packages i was supposed to be building and voila, mysqldb now builds and installs.

Let me know if it still doesn't work afterwards.

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jkatzer Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
