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Migrate a Development MySQL database to a Production database

How to download a live MySQL db into a local test db on demand, without SSH?

How do i Setup utf-8 as standard character set for a mysql server?

Where can I find the file my.cnf or my.ini file? [closed]

How to monitor MySQL queries on Windows

Best GUI for managing MySQL 5.1? [closed]

mysql mysql-management

how to reset all mysql stats?

Upload 95 GB CSV file into MySQL MyISAM table via Load data infile: CSV engine an alternative?

What are your experiences regarding performance with amazon-rds

Can MySQL reliably restore backups that contain views or not?

How far along is the importation of my MySQL dump?

Autocomplete in MySQL under Windows

MySql Replication - slave lagging behind master

Mysql show processlist lists many processes sleep and info = null?

mysql mysql-management

Can't optimize innoDB table

mysql mysql-management

What are the alternatives to using phpMyAdmin? [closed]

macos mysql-management

Mysql - Rename all tables and columns to lower case?

mysql mysql-management

Can't create MySQL trigger with TRIGGER privilege on 5.1.32

Is there an equivalent of Redgate SQL Compare for MySQL databases?

How to monitor MySQL space?