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New posts in mvvmcross

MvvmCross ViewModel caching and re-initializing

ProgressHUD and TouchUpInside

ViewModel is null during ViewDidLoad

ios xamarin mvvmcross

Xamarin.Forms buttons become disabled after touched

How can I build a targetting pack for Portable Class Libraries?

MvvmCross vnext: merge plugins with monodroid

MvvmCross : dynamic item template selection for MvxListView

'jobject' must not be IntPtr.Zero when setting textview's text in MonoDroid

How to Migrate from activity to fragment

android fragment mvvmcross

How can I detect the platform at runtime using MvvMCross?


Binding OxyPlot via MVVMCross in Xamarin.Android

mvvmcross binding in release mode

create or inject ViewModel when building a "tabs" application

Custom Animation with MvvmCross Droid

Using UserDialogs in Android

android xamarin mvvmcross

MvvmCross MvxHttpImageView error

xamarin.android mvvmcross

MvvMCross bind command with parameter (in C# code)

MvxImageView, can't bind ImageUrl to local resource

xamarin.android mvvmcross

Trouble with xamarin.ios/monotouch , mvvmcross and linking

Custom types in Navigation parameters in v3
