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New posts in mvc-mini-profiler

How to store MIniProfiler data using Console application

Stack Overflow's Mini Profiler [closed]

Find: DisplayTemplates Speed

MiniProfiler SqlServerStorage becomes quite slow


Using mvc-mini-profiler with ADO.NET SqlConnection

Mvc-Mini-Profiler: Why so many X-MiniProfiler-Ids?


MvcMiniProfiler 1.9 - Step method not being recognized by VS or by the runtime

Miniprofiler and umbraco

Asp.net MVC MiniProfiler "Request is not available in this context"

Still problems with profiling EF Database First

How do you configure mvc-mini-profiler with EF 4.2 Code first

How can I append information to every SqlCommand emitted by a DbContext?

Whats [ASP.net]MVC doing BEFORE my controller?

StackExchange MiniProfiler UrlRoutingModules does not implement IHttpHandlerFactory

Entity framework 5 TSQL not compatible with SQL 2005 calling stored procedures

MVC-Mini-Profiler - Web Forms - 'MiniProfiler' is undefined


How do I use MiniProfiler with a single page web app / REST backend?