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New posts in multiplayer

Is it possible to dynamically reload PHP code while script is running?

php reload multiplayer

GameCenter Invitation Handler

Is a real-time multiplayer game using Google App Engine feasible?

How do I sync non-player GameObject properties in UNet/Unity5?

Game Center - Sending and receiving data

Online Multiplayer Game using WCF

Can google app engine be used as a socket server?

Building a simple online game server for Unity

Unity 5.1 Networking - Spawn an object as a child for the host and all clients

Synchronizing time between simple python-socket-based server and clients

Combining java and nodejs for android app

OpenID authentication in C++ multiplayer network game

c++ openid multiplayer

Keeping sync in multiplayer RTS game that uses floating point arithmetic

Questions about updating my node.js game

node.js multiplayer lag

Why pubnub javascript sdk (?) choses XHR over Websocket?

Suggestions about multiplayer game development on iOS and Android? [closed]

Mutli Player Game synchronization

Game server for an android/iOS turn-based board-game

android iphone multiplayer

How expensive to build a realtime massive multiplayer game using node.js/socket.io?

WebSocket support on mobile devices