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New posts in morphia

Using ORM for MongoDB [closed]

How to store null fields with Morphia

java mongodb morphia nosql

What does the @Embedded annotation in Morphia actually do?

The POM for com.google.code.morphia:morphia:jar:1.00-SNAPSHOT is missing, no dependency information available

How to get distinct values out of a collection with where condition in mongodb?

java mongodb morphia

Storing multidimensional arrays with Morphia

unmarshalling morphia

Playframework + Morphia + MongoDb + ElasticSearch = Disater?

How to use Morphia with Java / GWT

mongodb morphia

Include score in Morphia full text search

mongodb morphia

How to maintain the top count(s) of array elements in mongoDB?

Is there a good pattern for reusing Morphia queries?

morphia query based on single field of deeply nested object

Mongodb read query very slow with Spring Data and fast with Morphia

MongoDB Morphia - Unique

How can I sort MongoDB query results by inner array size?

java mongodb morphia

How to use regex inside in query using morphia?

regex mongodb morphia

Using the $in operator through Morphia - doing it wrong?

DAO and dependency injection, advice?

Not able to pull from Mongo db using Morphia - No usable constructor

java mongodb shiro morphia

Querying Morphia by Id

java mongodb morphia