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'document.id' documentation and the DOM

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Private Properties in MooTools 1.3+ Classes

trim is not a function error

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Mootools: inject vs adopt

Choosing MooTools over Google closure?

Is $(document.body) and document.body the same? Cleaning garbage and binding in class? - MooTools 1.3

Check whether some element is "focused" without jQuery

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Core 1.5.1 Throws Warning on IE Input type email check after updating to latest chrome

What is the best way to make a side-scrolling website load quickly?

Instantiate a Class dynamically via variable

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Mootools set radio button checked

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HTML String to Element mootools

is there a viable way to feature detect support for image:data base64

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What exactly is DOM Extension / Wrapping?

Object-Oriented JavaScript tools

IE9 throws DOM Exception: INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR (5)

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How to get the name of a Mootools class from within

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Prototype / Mootools conflict question

Great uploader like uploadify but with a "no-flash" fallback [closed]