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New posts in mongoid

How to fix 'Cannot start transaction # on session` error in mongo driver ruby gem

Anyone having issues installing bson_ext gem in OSX lion

Upsert in Mongoid

ruby mongodb mongoid upsert

Can I remove an embedded document in Mongoid without persisting?

How to obtain constant memory usage when migrating a Rails application from mongoid (MongoDB) to ActiveRecord (Postgres)?

Rails/Mongoid relationship question with Struct

Integrating Devise with Mongoid

How to implement a permissions system like highrise or facebook

callback issue with carrierwave and mongoid

embeds_many and embeds_one from same model with Mongoid

NoMethodError: undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass

How to switch MongoDB database on the fly while using db.collection.insert()?

MongoDB: benefits of using embedded objects

mongodb mongoid

Is there a way to put all the nil value at the end when sorting with mongodb/mongoid?

ruby mongodb mongoid

With Mongoid, can I "update_all" to push a value onto an array field for multiple entries at once?

Ruby Mongo or Mongoid concurrency problem

Increase MongoDB maximum number of connections

linux mongodb mongoid

Ruby: Binary String to IO

ruby mongodb binary mongoid bson

Simple boolean data update with mongdb?

rails mongoid clear criteria