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New posts in mongodb-.net-driver

Unable to connect to a member of the replica set matching the read preference Primary

LINQ-to-MongoDB - Return list only when values between 2 columns match

MongoDb's C# Drivers, is it possible to wrap it in a generic session?

Adding complex classes to Mongo

.NET, Layered Architecture & MongoDB - What to use as ID?

C# Mongodb FindOneAndReplace or ReplaceOne is not working

How to update many documents using UpdateManyAsync

mongoDB Rename embedded field

MongoDB add array to BsonDocument

Setting default MongoDb/Bson representation for all decimals to double

MongoDB Geospacial search and official C# driver

MongoDB: How to load collection with nested array in C#?

how to update items in an array/list with mongo c# driver?

MongoDb SafeMode compare to WriteConcern

C# MongoDB.Driver 2.2. - Usage of GridFs

How to use Auto Increment field in Mongo C# Driver without using eval?


MongoDB Aggregate function in C#

allowDiskUse in Aggregation Framework with MongoDB C# Driver

Check whether insertions were successful (MongoDB C# driver)

Storing a Dictionary with polymorphic values in mongoDB using C#