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How to access request in ModelForm for adding request.user as foreign key

Django ModelForms - 'instance' not working as expected

Automatically set logged-in user as the author in django using createview and modelform

Can't add field to ModelForm at __init__

python django modelform

Uploading Profile Image using Django ModelForm

Django form validation with authenticated user as a field

Difference between Django ModelForm and Model instance save methods

Get request.user in queryset in a ModelForm with a ModelChoiceField that contains a RadioSelect widget

Django Model Formset: only track changes to those items that have been updated/saved in the set?

Modelformset in django generic CreateView and UpdateView

Django ModelForm to update profile picture does not save the photo

Getting a foreign key into a form

Django ModelForm overriding __init__

How to use autocompleteselect widget in a modelform

python django modelform

Django Createview for generic Model

Get saved object of a model form in Django?

Django ModelForm float field not calling Clean_Field method

django forms modelform

Dynamically update ModelForm's Meta class