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How to handle the "calculated" fields in a Play Framework model

jpa model playframework

CakePHP - Call model function from another function within in the same model

php cakephp model

What's the right way to remove multiple indices for a QStandardItemModel?

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django unique together does not work with none datetime [duplicate]

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Django : Does it make sense to override save method in a mixin?

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CakePHP updating multiple rows with record ids, same model

cakephp model

After_save with parameter

Rails STI override model_name in parent class for all subclasses

Django: difference between ForeignKey and ManyToManyField

Select specific fields in Django get_object_or_404

how to use __str__ with foreign key '__str__ returned non-string (type Product)'

python django model

Google App Engine: KindError - No implementation for kind 'ObjectName'

google-app-engine model

How to reference a grails GSP model variable indirectly e.g. via .get(...)

grails model map parameters gsp

How can I determine whether my iOS device has a torch light?

Two classes with almost duplicate code inside

java model dao persistent

django : get object from foreign key

django model

Light coming out of a lamp model in three.js

model three.js webgl light

Qt 5.2 Model-View-Pattern: How to inform model object about changes in underlying data structure

Modeling relational data from REST api via angularjs

Rails db:seed error "undefined method `finder_needs_type_condition?' for nil:NilClass"