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New posts in mediamuxer

How to trim video with MediaCodec

Non-streamable video file created with MediaMuxer

Record video and audio from a GLSurfaceView and export it to .mp4

Android MediaCodec dequeueInputBuffer always returns -1

How to mux (merge) video&audio, so that the audio will loop in the output video in case it's too short in duration?

android audio video mediamuxer

Screen Sharing between Devices using Media Projection API

How to record video and audio with MediaCodec and MediaMuxer

Record video with MediaCodec and MediaMuxer, but the bitrate and framerate are incorrect

Android MediaExtractor readSampleData IllegalArgumentException

Android Extract Decode Encode Mux Audio

android - How to mux audio file and video file?

android video mediamuxer

MediaMuxer unable to make MP4s that are streamable

MediaMuxer video file size reducing (re-compress, decrease resolution)

How can I trim a video from Uri, including files that `mp4parser` library can handle, but using Android's framework instead?