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New posts in matlab-figure

MATLAB: How to draw a multiple horizontal bar plot with different scales and different sets of data?

How to remove straight lines from a Matlab image?

Matlab `imagesc`: how to display with smooth colors?

MATLAB Multiple(parallel) box plots in single figure

How can I invert the colors of a picture, without changing the values in colorbar in Matlab

Matlab - change axis multiplier

matlab matlab-figure

Putting certain tick labels in boldface (but not all of them)?

matlab plot matlab-figure

How to generate a non-linear colormap/colorbar?

Swapping x & y Axis in Matlab

MATLAB: Colors displayed incorrectly?

matlab matlab-figure

Matching axes scales

matlab plot matlab-figure

Switching values to plot using keyboard input

matlab octave matlab-figure

MATLAB rotate xtick labels

Matlab - plot window arrangement

How to remove axis in MATLAB

How to increase figure width in a Matlab live script?

matlab matlab-figure

Interpolation between multiple 2D vector [fields] in a 3D space

Text 'Extent' property doesn't contain the correct size

Matlab R2016a bug - unable to interact with figure when waiting for user input

matlab matlab-figure freeze

MATLAB: change BaseValue on semilog bar chart

matlab matlab-figure