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New posts in mathematica-8

NIntegrate - why is it much slower in Mathematica 8 in this given case?

Saving FittedModel is buggy

mathematica 8.0 and psfrag

GCC installed. Mathematica still won't compile to C

Can we show some Dynamics/CDF in PowerPoint or Keynote ?

Is there any efficient easy way to compare two lists with the same length with Mathematica?

Mathematica: Transparent background with PNG

How do you work out Conditional Probabilities in Mathematica. Is it possible?

Monitoring Process of Cases[] on a Very Large Body of Information

How to define an arbitrary discrete probability distribution with a list of mass without warnings

How to configure parallel remote kernels in Mathematica?

Does passing a variable with a large amount of data cost a lot of memory and time in Mathematica?

Could the notebook StyleSheet change the code behaviour?

How to generate animated GIF of a Manipulate? 8.0.1

Import data from URL

Doing probabilistic calculations on a higher abstraction level

Integrating notebooks to Mathematica's documentation center

Minimizing NExpectation for a custom distribution in Mathematica