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New posts in material-ui

Material-UI: the Select component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child. Consider providing an array instead

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Close material-ui popper when on clickAway

How to change the collapse/expand icon to right side of TreeView of material?

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Material UI DatePicker Showing Wrong Date

How to access light and dark variants of React Material-UI primary and secondary colors?

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How to override the "MuiPaper-elevation1" atrribute in a Card component in Material-UI?

Observed this Error: Material-UI: The `anchorEl` prop provided to the component is invalid

Get the selected values in a datagrid with material ui

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Moving the chips/tags outside Autocomplete box in MUI

Floating Action Button: Is there a straightforward way to make a button smaller than default mini?

reactjs material-ui

In material-ui version 1.0.0 how to set ../tileData file?


Can I set the border-radius for Raised Button?

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how to make the material UI expansion panels open upwards when expanded instead expanding downwards?

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How to set Material UI (withStyle) style on an external file in React?

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Material ui Textfield Hinttext overlap with with text when text is set with setState in react

How to create a non modal dialog in material-ui

Remove the arrow and cross that appears for TextField type=“time” material-ui React

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Eslint error: Missing parentheses around multilines JSX react/jsx-wrap-multilines

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How to override Material-UI Popover Paper styles?

How can I make the edit-mode field type of one material-table column dependent upon the value of another column, without affecting other rows?