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Can I set the border-radius for Raised Button?

I've tried to set the border-radius like this :

const styles = {
         height: 30,
         fontSize: 11,
         borderRadius: 50

It didn't work. I've read the documentation but can't find the answer.

like image 973
kurniawan26 Avatar asked Apr 12 '18 01:04


2 Answers

Update (June 2020)

With the newer versions of material-ui, there no need for both props style and buttonStyle only style will be enough also, RaisedButton has been dropped with the migration from 0.x to 1.x being replaced now by variant="contained". Here is a modern version of the code in the original answer

<Button variant="contained" color="secondary" style={{ borderRadius: 50 }}/>


Original Answer (April 2018)

This works for me

 <RaisedButton secondary buttonStyle={{ borderRadius: 50 }} style={{borderRadius:50}}>FF</RaisedButton>

Give both the style and buttonStyle. style covers the parent div inline styles


like image 193
Mohit Mutha Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10

Mohit Mutha

for mui v5 you do it with the sx property:

<Button sx={{ borderRadius: 12.5 }} />

The borderRadius properties multiples the value it receives by the theme.shape.borderRadius.

const theme = createTheme({
  shape: {
    borderRadius: 2,    // defaults to 4
  palette: {...},
like image 2
eagor Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10
