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What algorithm does table.sort use?

sorting lua lua-table

Lua optimize memory

Why can't I catch a luabind::error exception when my lua code throws an error?

Explanation about “local foo = foo” idiom in Lua


pcall with variable argument in lua


How can I get last modified timestamp in Lua

local variable cannot be seen in a closure across the file?


Lua table - two entries with same key

json lua coronasdk lua-table

how to reinstall cudnn?

c++ linux lua

Call an anonymous function with a local variable as parameter

lua callback hammerspoon

Lua - why is string after function call allowed?

lua luac

Is there a (simple) way to get the memory usage of a Lua table?

Lua variable scoping with setfenv

lua scope sandbox

Help me understand this piece of Lua code


LPeg grammar oddity

Create suite of interdependent Lua files without affecting the global namespace


How does multiple assignment work?

List Lua functions in a file

function lua

Lua hierarchy string to table

lua lua-table

how to extract the domain from a URL

string dns lua lua-patterns