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New posts in log4net-configuration

Log file not created?

Log4Net not writing to SQL Table

Configuring log4net in unit tests to log to console and display proper date and time

How to Keep Log4Net From Truncating Exceptions?

Change name of logfile a few times during runtime

Changing log level without restarting application

Log4Net config with .NET Core app

Configure log4net logging in dll

Log4net unable to write, only creating empty files, but not writing actual logs

Log4net logging not working - asp.net mvc

log4net not logging in worker threads with MinimalLock model

Log4Net - Can I have a custom section name in Config

log4net Logging Debug.WriteLine and Console.WriteLine

log4net - BufferingForwardingAppender - flush with timeout

log4net %property does not work

Simplest correct way to configure log4net for a .Net Core 3.1 application

log4net multiple appenders, writing to event viewer

Quartz.Net - Common Logging with log4net

Log4net configuring programmatically an adoAppender