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New posts in log4j

How to add the time stamp to the log file

apache logging log4j

send log output to different files in grails 1.3.2

logging grails log4j appender

Can multiple log4j.properties files be used in the same Tomcat web app?


Unable to disable Hibernate log messages

java hibernate logging log4j

log4j to logback(migration)

Creating different logs based on logging level in log4j

java log4j logging

Redirect fprintf output to a port

Grails / Groovy log4j - Log line numbers, method name and class name

grails groovy log4j

Proper method for registering custom LoggerFactory for Log4j 1.2?

java servlets log4j

akka, spray, and log4j2 not logging right

log4j akka log4j2 spray

SocketAppender and PatternLayout

logging log4j appender

Weblogic 12c with Log4j2 stops logging after stop/start

Log4j | Updating the Log Level for the Appender

java log4j

Log4j appenders for spring DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener

What log4net pattern provides for filename without the full path

Can Log4Net Delete Log Files Automatically? [duplicate]

c# .net logging log4j log4net

Can we use all features of log4j2 if we use it along with slf4j api?

java logging log4j slf4j log4j2

How do you flush a buffered log4j FileAppender?

java log4j buffer

Tomcat randomly shuts down with an AbstractProtocol pause after mild usage