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New posts in llvm

Why does clang output alignment specific things

c++ c alignment clang llvm

Generate memory and table imports/exports in web assembly

Writing an LLVM pass to detect malloc function calls, number of bytes assigned and the variable name pointing to that memory

c llvm

How to get LLVM global variable constant value?

Linking with LLVM LLD does not work [macos]

c++ clang llvm lld

How does LLVM translate OpenMP multi-threaded code with runtime library calls?

clang openmp llvm intel-mkl

Does llvm 9 support std::filesystem on versions of the mac prior to 10.15?

Do VMs like LLVM or PARROT allow usage of the same library from multiple languages?

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Why do I get a faster binary with XCode's llvm vs. clang++ from MacPorts?

c++ xcode llvm

llvm exceptions; catch handler not handling, cleanup not called

c++ exception-handling llvm

LLVM OpenMP Support

llvm openmp

Xcode/LLVM catch clause not matching derived types

frontend to LLVM-based compiler

LLVM mark function as const and remove duplicate calls


How to find inadvertent object pointer comparisons?

Mac OS X 10.8 and llvm/clang 3.3 via homebrew

Objective-C object subscripting, iOS5, and GCC

The GEP Instruction: i32 vs i64

llvm llvm-ir

Sharing a C++ pointer with LLVM JIT'd code

c++ llvm llvm-ir llvm-c++-api

foreign import prim call to LLVM

haskell llvm ghc ffi llvm-ir