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New posts in linguistics

Implementing a rhyme finder [closed]

java algorithm linguistics

Probability tree for sentences in nltk employing both lookahead and lookback dependencies

Thesaurus class or API for PHP [edited]

php linguistics thesaurus

Where can I find a list of English phrases? [closed]

nlp linguistics

Find words and combinations of words that can be spoken the quickest

Monitor brands with common words

English Language Dictionary api [closed]

Algorithm to choose random letters for word search game that allows many words to be spelled

Translating human languages in Python [closed]

python linguistics

Is there an online application that automatically draws tree structures for phrases/sentences? [closed]


Finding the "best" combination for a set

Algorithm for Negating Sentences

Selecting the most fluent text from a set of possibilities via grammar checking (Python)

How can I programmatically generate Heroku-like subdomain names?

Linguistic meaning of 'let' variable in programming [duplicate]

How can I correctly prefix a word with "a" and "an"?

c# nlp linguistics