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problems after addpath libsvm library in matlab

Converting CSV file to LIBSVM compatible data file using python

java python csv libsvm

Why can't LinearSVC do this simple classification?

bad result when using precomputed chi2 kernel with libsvm (matlab)

scikit learn svc coef0 parameter range

svm scikit-learn libsvm svc

SVC vs LinearSVC in scikit learn: difference of loss function

python scikit-learn svm libsvm

Using LIBSVM to predict authenticity of the user

libsvm predict method confusion

Which is a better method? libsvm or svmclassify?

facial expression classification in real time using SVM

Suppress C warning messages in R

c r gcc libsvm

Using LIBSVM grid.py for unbalanced data?

data imbalance in SVM using libSVM

machine-learning svm libsvm

Support Vector Machine vs K Nearest Neighbours

Different accuracies across different svm libraries with same parameters on same data

r matlab svm libsvm liblinear

SVM Visualization in MATLAB

Classification score: SVM

Some doubts modelling some features for the libsvm/scikit-learn library in python

How to extract info from scikits.learn classifier to then use in C code

Predict probabilities using SVM