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New posts in legend

Create a concentric circle legend for a ggplot bubble chart

r ggplot2 legend bubble-chart

Can any HTML element be styled as a fieldset/legend?

html css fieldset legend

Use sub-/superscript and special characters in legend texts of R plots

Graphviz Legend/Key with Nodes

Continuous color bar with separators instead of ticks

r ggplot2 legend

JQPlot Legend outside of graph

Add item to existing Matplotlib legend

python matplotlib legend

R: creating vectors of latin/greek expression for plot titles, axis labels, or legends

Longer lines in legend()

r graph plot legend

Thicker lines in the legend of gnuplot

gnuplot legend presentation

Auto placement of legend box with margin/padding

r plot legend

Google Charts hide only some series in legend

Legend with different symbol sizes in base R

r size legend

Two legends in a fieldset

html css forms legend

Add annotation and segments to groups of legend elements

r ggplot2 legend

Flot pie chart change position of legends

flot legend

Changing font size of legend title in Python pylab rose/polar plot

Superscript R squared for legend

r legend

How to italicize one category in a legend in ggplot2

r ggplot2 legend italics ggtext

How to center boxes on top of lines in the legend of a plot?

r plot legend