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New posts in legend-properties

pyplot: change ncols within a legend

Write x̄ (meaning average) in legend and how to prevent linebreak?

Using different colors AND shapes in legend [Seaborn, Python]

Matlab two different colors in same line in legend

Legend; text/description before key/colour?

Grand Totals in HighCharts Pie Chart Legend

How to add a string as the artist in matplotlib legend?

R corrplot colorlegend change range

How to change and/or separate components in a figure legend in r?

r ggplot2 legend-properties

onClick event to Hide dataset Chart.js V2

Printing too big legend box in RStudio

r plot legend-properties

How to increase marker size of the legend in scatter plot in MATLAB 2014b? [duplicate]

Legend does not show line type in ggplot2 density plot

Geopandas reduce legend size (and remove white space below map)

ggplot2 draws two legends

Plot issues - legend bar scale, breaks, legend, decimals

Remove space between name and percentage in pie chart legend (amcharts4)