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New posts in laravel-validation

required_without not working with multiple fields

How do I make one of the several fields required?

How to change Laravel Validation message for max file size in MB instead of KB?

How can I add a join to a custom exists rule for a laravel validator?

Displaying validation errors in Laravel 5 with React.js and Ajax

Custom placeholders for custom validation rules in Laravel 5

Using form request specific custom validation attributes

Laravel Livewire errors are not cleared

Laravel Validator Not Working Properly - Redirecting main page

How to check file is uploaded or not in laravel

Laravel 5.8 Validation - always bail on any rule

After validation hook in validation request

Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException : The given data was invalid. Called when trying to get the json from a response while testing

Laravel 5 - validator for current user password

Laravel array sum of fields validation

laravel how to validate as equal to a variable

change value of $request before validation in laravel 5.5

Laravel rule for unique excluding blank or null

Laravel Illuminate\Validation\Rule not found

Required field only if another field has a value, must be empty otherwise