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How can I use Laravel's IOC container outside of Laravel for method injection

How to set disabled select option in Laravel with Illuminate/Html

'Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider' not found when trying to install 'Illuminate\Html' in laravel 5

Validation rule unique requires at least 1 parameters

How to create Illuminate/Support/Facade/App facade for standalone Illuminate IoC Container

Laravel error Uncaught exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class App\Http\Kernel does not exist'

How can I add a join to a custom exists rule for a laravel validator?

Multiple database connection using Illuminate/Database Eloquent ORM in CodeIgniter 3

updateOrCreate with increment in laravel

Laravel 5 Class 'App\Http\Controllers\File' not found

Eloquent error: A facade root has not been set