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ReflectionException - Middleware class does not exist Laravel 5.2

Validation error messages as JSON in Laravel 5.3 REST

X-FRAME-OPTIONS is shown twice and X-XSS-PROTECTION is shown wrong

Laravel 5 isolated controller testing

After installing Homestead I get "No input file specified" in the browser. How can I access my laravel project

Add custom field to Laravel queued job records?

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How to use 'having' with paginate on relationship's column in laravel 5

Laravel customized session.lifetime at user level

How to add a literal quote in Laravel's .env file?

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How to force a package to be installed?

How laravel `Auth:user()` or `Auth:id()` works

Laravel foreach variable loop scope

Three-way many-to-many relationship in Laravel

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Laravel 5 error when composer update

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How can I move a file from one location to another?

php laravel laravel-5

How to extend multiple templates in Blade (Laravel 5)?

Use multiple env files

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Setup external libraries with laravel mix

How can I get new CSRF token in LARAVEL by using ajax

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Laravel 5 how to add prefix to S3 file storage config?