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New posts in laravel-5

Laravel 5 - Compile String and Interpolate Using Blade API on Server

'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No route to host

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Laravel 5.5 Login errors not showing up

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Carbon object to Unix timestamp based on timezone

Laravel 5.5 unique validation rule on seperate table with different column name

Translate queued mails (localization)

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Eager load hasMany & belongsTo (circular reference/infinite loop)

Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Controller' not found - Laravel 5.2

How to create custom controller in Laravel Voyager

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Failed Opening autoload.php in Laravel 5

How to share Auth::user among all views in Laravel 5?

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Speedup REST API Service Laravel 5

How to check if one record is attached to another?

How to save uploaded image to Storage in laravel?

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Redirect to Custom URL after Registration in Laravel 5.5

How to rollback new records if a later record fails to add in Laravel 5?

Laravel 5 validation in model

Does Yii2 or Laravel5 compensate the weakness points in Codeigniter?

In Laravel, how to give another implementation to the service container when testing?

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Email validation rule in Laravel?